Saturday 11 August 2012


So, here we are!

Day-1 of our creative challenge, and I had a bit of a head start in order for you to wake up to my first mixed media creation to hopefully inspire yours today:

 "Leap of Faith" (paper & photo collage)

This is a collage I started in the Okanagan a few months back, but since then it has been sitting around unfinished. The background is a photo I took of pine needles and cones lying on the ground bundled up at Kalamalka Lake Provincial Park (see below), which I 'photo-shopped' to get the background effect.

Then there is me cut out of a photo, where I actually jump off a wall to imitate a "leap of faith" for a collage I wanted to make about my experience of coming to terms with loss and heart break.  As I had completely surrendered to what is and embraced just each moment, I felt a bigger kind of love that gave me trust and hope. After ten months of working through my deep grief with daily meditations on a mountain, alone in Peachland, I felt truly free for the first time in my life!

The rest of today's (okay, last night's) creation is more collage with several other images and writings, glued down with gel medium. Last but not least, several coats of zinc white applied over or around the images with a palette knife.

Now, it's your turn, and do invite your friends to this fun challenge or do it in a group together--ENJOY the journey :)



PS: I look forward to you sharing anything here on this blog. If you have pics, send them to my email and I'll post them for you:



Below please find a picture and comment from my old German school friend, who now lives in Sweden. She is participating in our 21-Day MMC and she used fabric and thread to collage her first Tibetan Prayer flag, one of 21 I believe :)

Thank you, Maria, for sharing your first creation with us across continents!

"Years" (fabric, yarn & ink)


  1. Liebe Susanne,

    weil ich ja nicht malen kann, habe ich genäht... und das ist mein erstes Teil. Am Ende werde ich alle Teile zu einer Gebetsfahnenkette verbinden, du weisst schon, wie die, die in in Tibet fröhlich im Wind flattern bis sie sich Faden für Faden aufgelöst haben. Statt eines alten Bildes als Untergrund, habe ich eine alte gehäkelte Handarbeit genommen. Es hat mir viel Spaß gemacht, weil ich normalerweise sehr viel nachdenke, während des Nähens, diesmal habe ich mich einfach treiben lassen, was mir sehr gut gefallen hat! Danke für diese tolle Idee!!!
    Deine Collage ist sehr schön und guck mal, wie haben beide eine Lotusblüte!

    Einen geruhsamen Abend für dich und alles Liebe, Maria

  2. Translation of above comment:

    Dear Susanne,

    because I can't paint, I sewed....and this is my first piece. At the end, I will connect all parts to a prayer flag chain, you know like the the ones in Tibet that joyfully flutter in the wind until each thread is dissolved. For a background I used an old crocheted piece of work instead of an old painting. It was a lot of fun, because normally I think a lot while sewing; this time I just let myself flow, which I really liked! Thanks for this great idea!!!
    Your Collage is very nice and look, we both have a lotus flower!

    Have a peaceful evening and all my love, Maria

  3. Maria's Blog about her sewing bugs and photos of Sweden can be found at:

  4. Hello from Nanaimo, my new home. Basically I'm doing what you are doing to begin with as in finishing some pieces that are in various stages of completion for various reasons. Since I have moved here I have attended an intensive collage weekend with Nick Bantock of Griffin and Sabine fame and yesterday I did an Annie Sloan Chalk Painting workshop both of which were tremendously inspiring. But first things first. This week is Box Week, shadow and otherwise. I have a number underway and some near completion so this is what I will start with. My day one project is appropriately named ' Journey.'

  5. Welcome to Vancouver Island and what a way to start with Nick and his interesting collectables, collages and stories!

    Shadow boxes are fun and I can't wait to see one! -- Do you wish to share your first creation with us here? If you do, just email me a jpg photo of it and I will post it....

