Monday 27 August 2012



May you wake up with gratitude!


I am grateful for waking up to Maria's art work on my desktop first thing every morning. She is the most persevering participant with this blog and project from what is visible. Soon, her prayer flags, she is sewing each day, will be hanging in a forest near her farm in Sweden. This image, although not created by me, is for her:




"Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation ... while the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy?" (from the movie, "Tree of Life")

The morning pages in my gratitude journal bring me such joy and are a "wavering light that resembles a flame flickering in the darkness". Thoughts of gratitude remind me of what I have in my life, from the trees outside, down to the very breath I take at each moment. Gratitude makes me mindful of taking nothing for granted and appreciating everything.

Enjoy this wonderful short film on the 'art of gratitude':

"Tree of Life" (paint & ink)

The 'Tree of Life' is a symbol of interconnectedness and evolution of all life on this beautiful planet and in the universe. I Am grateful for That and each moment I get to be here.

Another short film with amazing images of Planet Earth:

Blessings to you all,


Maria's 17th Prayer Flag:


"Today a calf - I am contemplating becoming a vegetarian. The thoughts are so strong that they influenced my flag.Maria



  1. Weisst Du was, Susanne? Du gibst mir ganz schön viel Glück in den letzten 17 Tagen (wieder!). Vielen herzlichen Dank!!!

  2. You're welcome, Maria, and I am glad you are feeling inspired and lucky!

    Actually, we are lucky to have you sent in your creations so faithfully everyday; also, for you not being afraid to let your inner child out and sharing publicly what is important to you!

    Thank you!
